The man was experiencing severe itching in his ears, he ran to the hospital, he saw something like this, even the doctors were surprised!

The man was experiencing severe itching in his ears, he ran to the hospital, he saw something like this, even the doctors were surprised!

Many such things go viral on social media, knowing about which it is natural to be surprised. A similar strange incident from China’s Guangzhou province is being discussed on social media these days. A person living there suddenly started experiencing severe itching in his ears. Initially he thought it was a normal thing, but this itching was not stopping. In such a situation, he ran to the hospital to consult the doctors. But he was surprised to know what the doctor revealed. He couldn’t understand how this happened. Actually, the doctor told that there was a live lizard in his ear.

The name of the victim has not been disclosed. However, when we investigated this incident, we found that this incident is from 2017, but is still going viral on the internet. During that time, this news was also published on a Chinese website, according to which the person told that when he went to sleep at night, he was absolutely fine. But as soon as he woke up in the morning, his ears started itching. Gradually that itching was increasing. He suspected that an insect had entered his ear while sleeping at night. In such a situation, without any delay, he immediately ran to the hospital, where a doctor named Tu Bo examined him and what he revealed later left everyone stunned.

According to Doctor To Bo, a live lizard was roaming in the victim’s ear. In such a situation, the doctor immediately rendered the lizard unconscious by giving an injection. The doctor told that if we had not made him unconscious, she could have reached the man’s brain. After rendering him unconscious, the lizard was taken out from his ear without any delay. According to the doctor, if there had been any delay, the lizard could have reached his brain and his life could have been in danger.

The surprising thing was that the lizard had no tail, due to which it was completely absorbed inside. However, there was also a doubt as to whether the tail had got left inside the ear? In such a situation, the person’s ears were examined again. But the tail was not found. After staying in the hospital for 2 days, the person was discharged and was completely fine.

Tags: Strange and strange, Khabre hatke, OMG, Shocking news, Weird news

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